How we can help

For Mums

For Mums

Best Start is a suite of services, including groups that we offer to those who need extra support once they find out they are about to have a baby, or have recently given birth. Best start involves having a social worker walking alongside you, (and your partner if they want it) to help you prepare for baby. The social worker may be able to help you find housing, reconnect with whanau, develop new lifeskills, and prepare your home for the arrival of a new little person into your life. Best Start also includes the following groups:

Birth Support Group

Birth Support Group is an antenatal group for mums throughout the whole term of their pregnancy. BSG meets weekly to explore the realities of giving birth, gaining insight in how to be a great mum and strengthening your relationship with your baby. The group includes child birth education from a qualified Child Birth Educator, talks from other important people, fun activities and outings. Click here to find the programme.

“I’ve noticed that I’m a lot more confident in my decisions and I feel a lot better about having conversations with people.”

“I’ve gained the skills and confidence to live independently and make the best decision for my child.”

“Eating healthier, talking more. Understanding more.”

“I have stopped smoking, feel great and better for it.”

Playgroups For Mums

Play – learn – create – sing – eat – fun 

Our playgroups provide a place for Mums and their preschoolers to connect with each other and the wider community. We provide music, food, craft, play, education and resources.  Ideas from the group are encouraged and we aim to be responsive to the different needs of each whanau. We also invite a range of guest speakers to support your parenting journey.

They are supportive environments where Mums can also access other groups and services available through CSS if needed.   We have two playgroups that alternate every Thursday during term time.

Mum and Pepi Playgroup – for Mums & their babies (approx upto 18mths)

ABC Playgroup –  for Mums & Preschoolers (0-5years)

Time: Fortnightly on Thursdays 10am-12pm

Location: 42 Macandrew Road, South Dunedin

 A place for Mums to connect, belong and share the journey.

A place of aroha, atawhai and awhi.

“Having different people come and talk about different subjects has been really helpful.”

“The support and friendliness has been so good.”

Get in touch


Central Otago:
Alexandra Community House
14/20 Centennial Ave
Alexandra 9320

42 Macandrew Road
P O Box 2047
South Dunedin 9044


0800 CSSNOW or 0800277669

Dunedin:              Central Otago: 
(03) 455 3838        (03) 4485385

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Office hours

Monday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Tuesday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Wednesday 10.30am - 5.00pm
Thursday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday & Sunday closed

Find us at 42 Macandrew Road, right across the car park from the South Dunedin Catholic Church (see photos below). Plenty of space inside and outside for spending time with your kids.