How we can help

Supervised Contact

Supervised Contact

Having a great time together

We provide a safe supportive environment for children to enjoy time with their parents when they are not able to live together. A range of activities are provided enabling participants to enjoy their time with each other. Our supervisors are trained to assist families to build and strengthen relationships and provide great memories of being together.

Supervised contact is only available in Dunedin at this time and is based at our rooms in Macandrew road. Activities available include a range of age appropriate toys, craft equipment, books and outside play areas. If things are going well, we may also be able to go off site.

As part of this service we are also able to offer Play On, which take a more hands on approach to helping new parents practice the skills they need to interact with their kids.

Click here for Supervised Contact forms

Get in touch


Central Otago:
Alexandra Community House
14/20 Centennial Ave
Alexandra 9320

42 Macandrew Road
P O Box 2047
South Dunedin 9044


0800 CSSNOW or 0800277669

Dunedin:              Central Otago: 
(03) 455 3838        (03) 4485385

"Find Us on Facebook" icon that links to your business page.

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Office hours

Monday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Tuesday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Wednesday 10.30am - 5.00pm
Thursday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday & Sunday closed

Find us at 42 Macandrew Road, right across the car park from the South Dunedin Catholic Church (see photos below). Plenty of space inside and outside for spending time with your kids.